Scaling Scrum & Agile in Hardware Organizations:

A Comparative Analysis of MAHD, SAFe, Nexus, and LeSS


Hardware teams are being propelled to embrace Agile methodologies to accelerate development and enhance customer value. While Agile promises these advantages, navigating the best approach can be daunting, especially when much of the prevailing guidance is tailored for software projects.

Download this whitepaper to: 

  • Discover the origins of four key Agile Frameworks to scale development efforts
  • Explore a detailed comparison in three major areas of planning, execution and governance
  • Receive guidance on which approach might be best for your situation

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Learn More About MAHD

Download the Introduction to MAHD E-book to learn about the key elements of the MAHD Framework  including how to initiate projects, the MAHD On-ramp and tips to get started going MAHD.

Is MAHD Right For You?

The fastest way to learn if MAHD is right for you is to request a 45-minute overview and discussion of your situation. Whether you currently use Stage-Gate, Lean, SAFe or other methods, we can help you quickly learn the unique benefits of the MAHD Framework.