9-step Guide to Agile for Hardware

9-step Guide to Agile for Hardware

After talking to dozens of project managers and engineers who focus on physical products about agile, we have discovered a common theme. Most have heard of agile methods, but they often associate it completely with software development and can’t see clearly how agile can be applied to hardware. Typical questions arise, such as; “Do we really need to do daily standups?”, “Do we really need to break tasks into two-week (or less) sprints?”,  “Are we expected to develop full working prototypes every sprint?”, etc.

To help developers of hardware visualize how an agile project can be implemented using the Modified Agile for Hardware Development (MAHD) Framework, we have developed a 9-sept guide to Agile for Hardware that walks a practitioner through the whole process and answers these questions. The product we’ll focus on is a next-generation, cutting edge coffee maker. While this may not be as complex as many of the products you are developing, we think it provides a good example of how hardware, electronics, software, industrial design, manufacturing considerations and all other aspects of hardware development can get the benefits of agile thinking.

Step 1 starts before the project begins as Lynda, the product manager for the new “smart” coffee maker, prepares for agile success.  Every three weeks we’ll release a new step until the product is released into manufacturing and on to the market. Each step will discuss the rationale behind the process, along with specific team activities and templates to execute the MAHD Framework. While we’ll use many agile terms such as “user stories”, “iterations” and “backlog,” these will be refined for how they relate to hardware, and more specifically, how you can apply them to your projects.  Between steps, we’ll also share tips for how you might be successful with agile. In addition to posting here on LinkedIn, we’ll also post each step and tip on the AgileForHardware.org website where you can see the progress and catch up on past steps. We hope you join us on this MAHD journey.

9-step Guide to Agile for Hardware

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Where Should You Go Next?

Many companies seek the benefits of Agile and have attempted to apply software-based Agile methods to hardware product development, often with limited success. To discover how the MAHD Framework can accelerate your NPD efforts, download the Intro to MAHD e-book or contact us to discuss your needs.

Learn More About MAHD

Download this 20-page comprehensive Introduction to MAHD E-book to learn about the key elements of the MAHD Framework  including how to initiate and execute agile for hardware projects.

Is MAHD Right For You?

The fastest way to learn if MAHD is right for you is to request a 45-minute overview and discussion of your situation. We can provide an overview of the MAHD Framework and help you determine if MAHD is a good fit for your goals.