Three Critical Areas to Rethink Agile When Applied to Hardware

3 critical differences between agile for HW and SW

Agile for Hardware Is Different

By now you are probably thinking about Agile, but not sure if Scrum or typical agile for SW methods work. And you’d be right to be skeptical since directly applying agile methods can lead to frustration. Here are three areas to consider agile for HW as unique from SW.

ONE: Sprints Are Important, but Iterations Are King

With Software, teams create a backlog in the form of user stories, refine them for execution and dive into 1-2 week sprints. Each sprint then delivers working code that can be demonstrated and tested. Hardware? Not so easy. Several, often cross-disciplinary, elements have to come together to create some form of demonstrable output. This means that several sprints, sometimes in parallel across teams, must be executed until enough comes together in order get valuable customer feedback. Having a broad plan with clear iteration objectives (that evolve as you learn… hey, it’s still agile) is critical to success.

With Software, teams create a backlog in the form of user stories, refine them for execution and dive into 1-2 week sprints. Each sprint then delivers working code that can be demonstrated and tested. Hardware? Not so easy. Several, often cross-disciplinary, elements have to come together to create some form of demonstrable output. This means that several sprints, sometimes in parallel across teams, must be executed until enough comes together in order get valuable customer feedback. Having a broad plan with clear iteration objectives (that evolve as you learn… hey, it’s still agile) is critical to success.

TWO: User Stories Are Not Tasks

With software, a user story, (such as, “As a user, I want to be able to quickly login so I can access the system,”) can directly be pulled from the backlog and executed. Hardware? Not so easy. While user stories are still valuable, they are often abstract from specific physical functions that may take a combination of mechanical, electronic or software to satisfy. As an example, “As a fork lift operator, I want to be able to quickly turn on my fork lift safely without looking.” This would take a wide combination of tasks to execute.

THREE: Having a Schedule is Not Anathema to Agile

We’ve seen many software teams cringe when being asked for a schedule and a semblance of what might be delivered in a stated time-frame. “Hey… we’re agile,” is often the response. Hardware? It’s typically important (if not critical) to have not just a target date, but a good idea of what will be delivered to satisfy management, market needs, and long lead items.

All these factors are discussed more deeply in our 9-step series on the Modified Agile for Hardware (MAHD) Framework as JavaBrew uses agile to develop an innovative new smart coffee maker. 

Three Critical Areas to Rethink Agile When Applied to Hardware

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Where Should You Go Next?

Many companies seek the benefits of Agile and have attempted to apply software-based Agile methods to hardware product development, often with limited success. To discover how the MAHD Framework can accelerate your NPD efforts, download the Intro to MAHD e-book or contact us to discuss your needs.

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Download this 20-page comprehensive Introduction to MAHD E-book to learn about the key elements of the MAHD Framework  including how to initiate and execute agile for hardware projects.

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